Since 2015, our lab has been developing visuals to help people understand melanoma. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. Below, you will find our visuals. All patient materials can be printed and distributed to patients without permission. If you want to include these materials on a webpage, then please link to them here. We update them frequently, and a link will keep you up to date. If you would like to use the materials/visuals for any other purpose, or to edit them, then please email Dr. Jakob Jensen for permission at

ABCDE Patient Education Materials: Melanoma can be an aggressive cancer, so it is essential to identify potentially cancerous moles as early as possible. One way to identify melanoma is to use the ABCDE technique. Our lab developed a z-panel brochure to teach patients the ABCDE technique. You can download it below.
If you want to cite it, then here is the citation:
Jensen, J. D., Liv, C., King, A. J., John, K. K., Lillie, H. M., Pokharel, M., & Grossman, D. (2024). Chalkboard ABCDE brochure. Health Communication and Technology Lab.
We also created a longer pamphlet for patients who prefer the larger format and text.
Jensen, J. D., Liv, C., King, A. J., John, K. K., Lillie, H. M., Pokharel, M., & Grossman, D. (2024). Chalkboard ABCDE pamphlet. Health Communication and Technology Lab.

Ugly Duckling Sign Patient Education Materials: An alternative to the ABCDE technique, is the Ugly Duckling Sign (UDS) technique. Our lab developed a z-panel brochure to teach patients the UDS technique. You can download it below.
If you want to cite it, then here is the citation:
Jensen, J. D., Liv, C., Pokharel, M., Lillie, H. M., John, K. K., King, A. J., & Grossman, D. (2024). Dalmatian UDS brochure. Health Communication and Technology Lab.
We also created a longer pamphlet for patients who prefer the larger format and text.
Jensen, J. D., Liv, C., Pokharel, M., Lillie, H. M., John, K. K., King, A. J., & Grossman, D. (2024). Dalmatian UDS pamphlet. Health Communication and Technology Lab.